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Why Installing an Egress Window Makes Sense

Complies with Building Codes for Safety and Emergency Egress

Compliance with building codes is crucial. If you’re planning to use your basement as a living space or bedroom, an egress window isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. According to building codes, every basement bedroom must have an egress window to ensure a safe escape route during emergencies.

Standard Water Control makes sure that all their egress windows meet these essential safety requirements, giving you peace of mind that your family has a reliable exit in case of an emergency.

Enhances Home Value

Natural light has a profound impact on the look and feel of any space. With an egress window, your basement transforms from a dreary area to a bright, welcoming part of your home, making it more attractive to potential buyers.

Provides Safe and Easy Access

Egress windows provide an easy and accessible escape route for all family members. Having a safe and easily accessible exit route from the basement can be a lifesaver.

Customizable Options to Match Your Home’s Aesthetics

Standard Water Control understands the importance of maintaining your home’s aesthetics. We offer a wide range of customizable options to ensure your egress window complements your home’s exterior design.

Contact us today for a free consultation!