Most homes have a sump pump in the basement to help keep the area dry. The sump pump discharge pipe is what carries the water away from the basement and out of the home. discharge pipes are usually made of PVC or other plastic materials, and are typically white in color. If you have a basement waterproofing system, the sump pump discharge pipe is an important part of that system.
Standard Water’s service marked Seamless Discharge System is a one-piece, flexible, drainage pipe that extends from the sump basket to the outside of your home in a continuous run. There’s no seam, which means it won’t break and if it ever freezes – well, it just expands instead! The only way to improve this system is to install two pipes for double protection in the case you want to install a battery backup system.

Our service marked Dual Discharge System provides a second pipe for a backup pump system to ensure a dry basement even if you experience primary sump pump failure, one of those once-every-hundred-years storms or a frozen drainage pipe.
Some contractors will attach the backup pump to the same drainage pipe as the primary pipe. This is a problem because both pumps are trying to fill the pipe simultaneously, which doesn’t tend to work very well. We attach the backup sump pump to the secondary pipe to ensure we double your pumping capacity when you really need it.
With our custom branded Battery Backup System you can sleep soundly at night knowing that the rains will come and go without interruption. The backup pump moves 2,400 gallons per hour with a 10 foot head (rivaling the main sump pump). The battery can run 7 hours straight or intermittently for days, and will remain viable for 5 to 7 years. The Backup Control Unit monitors household power, battery and pump conditions. It triggers and runs the backup pump once a week to assure proper operation and much more.
One of the most important parts of a basement waterproofing system is the external discharge pipe. The external discharge pipe carries water away from your basement, preventing it from building up and causing damage. It is important to regularly check your discharge pipe to make sure it is clear and in good working condition. If you notice any blockages you can use a garden hose to flush out any debris that has collected in the pipe. If the pipe is damaged, you should contact a professional to have the pipe repaired or replaced.
Remove your discharge pipe for the winter to prevent water from freezing in the line and backing up into your home. In the spring, re-attach the discharge pipe for the wet seasons. By taking these simple precautions, you can help to keep your basement dry and prevent costly repairs.
Standard Water is always looking for a way to do it better. As a result we’ve come up with our Free Flow Buried Discharge system. Sometimes, due to a home’s design or the lay of the lot, exterior discharge pipes need to run some distance from the house. This can be an issue both in terms of maintenance and aesthetics. Nobody enjoys moving obstacles every time they cut the grass or work in their garden; and most folks don’t want a water discharge pipe competing with their landscaping.
Enter Standard Water’s Free Flow Buried Discharge SystemSM. Installation is quick, easy and, in most cases, done in one day. Standards’ crew digs a trench from the foundation to an appropriate point in the yard. They lay in drain tile that connects to a box at the far end. The whole system is designed to be maintenance free so it’s out of sight, out of mind and out of your way.
The intake section of the system is designed to answer the problem of freezing. If the 4” main pipe ever freezes, the openings allow water to drain out. This way your system can keep functioning and your basement can stay dry. Standard offers an optional de-icing cable to ensure the main line doesn’t freeze up.
Waterproofing systems can help to keep your basement dry and free from flooding. They can also help to improve the air quality in your home. If your basement is damp and musty, it can cause the air in your home to be stale and unpleasant. Basement waterproofing systems can help to improve the air quality in your home by keeping the basement dry and free from mold and mildew growth.
Our Seamless Discharge SystemSM ensures your basement waterproofing system will keep pumping water out of your basement year ‘round. Our Dual Discharge SystemSM and Battery Backup System will ensure your basement will be dry no matter what mother nature throws at you.
Please contact us right away if you have any questions.