Serving Minnesota and Wisconsin Since 1977

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The Benefits of Our Patented Diamond Drainage Board

One of the worst things you can deal with is water damage in your property. Water can cause damage to your furniture, electronics, and even the foundation of your property. However, with the advancement in technology, homeowners can make use of Standard Water Control Systems, patented, Diamond Drainage Board to protect their homes from water damage. 

Diamond Drainage Board comes with channels that collect water from your basement blocks and redirect it to our waterproofing systems drainage field and down to the sump where it’s pumped away from your home. This prevents water from damaging your property, which can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage.

Diamond Drainage Board is cost-effective in the long run. By preventing water damage, you’re saving yourself from costly repairs that can run into thousands of dollars. 

Diamond Drainage Board is included with our waterproofing system installation, adding to your peace of mind. 

Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation. We’ll send a representative to your home as soon as possible. Diamond Drainage Board is exclusive to Standard Water.